About the Schools

School of Rehabilitation Medicine


he SHUTCM School of Rehabilitation Medicine was founded in 2010. However, it root can date back to 2000, when the University started higher education of rehabilitation medicine. The School seeks to develop an education system of rehabilitation medicine with Chinese characteristics. To achieve this goal, the School intends to introduce core concepts in modern rehabilitation medicine and integrate these concepts into traditional Chinese rehabilitation therapies.

Our structure

lAdministration office

lEducation & Research Office of Traditional Rehabilitation Therapies

lEducation & Research Office of Clinical Rehabilitation Medicine

lEducation & Research Office of Physical Therapy (PT)

lEducation & Research Office of Occupational Therapy (OT)

lEducation & Research Office of Speech Therapy (ST)

Our programs

We offer a 4-year program for Rehabilitation The rapeutics (Bachelor of Sciences) and Master and Doctorate degrees for Integrated Chinese and Western Rehabilitation Medicine.

We have state-of-the-art training rooms for PT, OT and ST. We’ve also introduced 15 core courses from overseas. With clinical practice in five University affiliated hospitals and adjunct professors from both home and abroad, the School integrates teaching and practice in a diverse environment.

Our faculty

At present, the School has 25 staff, including 19 teachers. Among our faculty, 85% have Master degrees.

Our vision

In 2013, the School entered the professional accreditation of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) and World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT). We have also developed extensive academic exchange and cooperation with colleges or research institutions in the United States, Japan, Chinese Hong Kong and Taiwan China. Through joint-degree programs and short-term (3 months) training programs, we hope to equip our students with confidence and internationally recognized skills to benefit their future career in rehabilitation medicine.

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